Friday, July 20, 2007

Why Do We Work?

This week I read an article about the declining number of vacation days Americans take year after year and the quotes from a couple of people in the article really got to me...

The essence of my concern is centered around the title of this post: Why do we work?

When I ask the question I'm not being flippant or trying to get you to come up with some standard, pat answer. Really ask yourself the question.

Do you work to feel important? Is your work at the core of your personal value statement - in other words, if you aren't working do you or others in your immediate circle consider you 'valueless'?

We are all given skills, talents and abilities that we are to use to make our lives and the lives around us better - but for what purpose? I think often about author Rick Warren's book "The Purpose Driven Life" and the biting questions he asks and then contrast his theme with the comments from the folks in the article I referenced above.

I don't have answers for you - just a few questions that I hope get you thinking...

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