Monday, July 30, 2007

What is Community?

I was reading through the Akron Young Professional blog over the weekend and was struck at the emphasis on Community from this YP group.

The Young Professionals organization is built around creating a sense of community and networking focused on professionals under 40. But why is community so important?

In the 21st Century it is increasingly difficult to maintain - let alone grow - a business or career without communicating, integrating and associating with people who are able to provide you a different perspective and knowledge base than what you can develop on your own. With the continued fragmenting of the corporate environment and the ability to "telecommute" thanks to home offices we are becoming more and more isolated from others.

Yes, there is a real sense of freedom that comes from working from home or a remote location. But we are social creatures who gain real motivation and energy from other people. That's why I admire the YP group for their emphasis on helping others connect. So much of what we do in our office is also geared toward creating business owner groups that help owners realize that they're not alone - and that by connecting with others they will learn far more that they could on their own.

Who is in your "community?" Are you connected or are you isolating yourself? Is it time to reach out?

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