Tuesday, July 3, 2007

A Summer of Excuses...

Kind of a negative headline above, eh?

I didn't mean it to be - it's just that I was struck by the creativity we all use to come up with some great excuses in order to avoid doing what we know we need to do...

We recently held an event in which business owners had an opportunity to join us for a couple of intense days of education and coaching during which they would learn how to move their businesses in a positive direction and get the results they desire. Leading up to the event we invited many business owners and others of influence in the business community to join us; unfortunately for most we spoke with they declined and missed out on some fantastic information.

What struck me and the team here in our office was the range of excuses people used to describe why they couldn't come. Believe me, I understand that we get incredibly busy in our world today. On the other hand - who's fault is that? We wake up every day armed with an unlimited supply of choices; the question is, what choices will I make?

Over the next week take some time to analyze the choices you make and how busy those choices make you and then ask yourself, "Are these choices just making me come up with creative excuses that enable me to justify how I can avoid doing the important things?"

Think about what is truly IMPORTANT in your life so that you can avoid "creative excuses" next week.

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