I've enjoyed watching the Beijing Olympics over the past week or so. Of course, the story of the week has been the exceptional performance of U.S. swimmer Michael Phelps. It has been fun to watch him perform and the poise and dedication he has brought to his performances. There were a couple of close calls but he still managed to win an unprecedented eight gold medals.
What got me thinking though was an interview I saw with Phelps. He was being interviewed by Matt Lauer from the Today Show. There was one question Matt asked that I want to focus on for a minute.
Matt asked Michael if he really believed, before the games started, that he had a chance to win eight gold medals. Matt was basically saying that he didn't understand how Michael could really have thought he had a chance to win all eight events he was participating in. Michael was very gracious and politically correct in his answer by saying that he just had to come to the games and take each event one at a time and couldn't focus on winning them all. He felt he could do it but had to just deal with each one as it came.
What Michael didn't specifically say, but did imply, is that he HAD to absolutely believe he could win all eight or he had no chance of doing it. As soon as he would let himself start to doubt his ability to do it, he would be doomed. There is no way he could let it enter his mind that it was even remotely not possible.
The mind is an incredibly complex and infinite machine. Its potential to create and invent is unlimited. For Michael to accomplish what he did, he had to believe with all his heart that he would do it. What the mind can conceive it can achieve.
We can take a real lesson from Michael. We too can accomplish great things in our business and our life if we believe it without reservation. Don't let anyone tell you what you desire is not possible. People will question your ability and beliefs --just like Matt did with Michael -- but don't let that stop you. Michael refused to listen to those who doubted him and so can you.
Determine what your dreams and goals are and then go for them with everything you've got. Believe with all your heart that you will achieve it and don't listen to the naysayers. When you do this and achieve your goals there will be a sense of worth, happiness and contentment.
Congratulations Michael and thank you for the inspiration.
by Dennis Kelley
Author of Achieving Unlimited Success
Author of Achieving Unlimited Success
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