Wednesday, January 2, 2008

What is Your Perspective?

Can you believe it?

We have turned the calendar to a new year and we need to get ourselves back into the "business mindset."

As Ralph said in his blog post earlier, now is not the time to throw a bunch of ideas on the wall and see which ones stick - and call that a Plan. Now is the time to change your perspective, reviewing what went right and wrong in 2007 and establish a SMART plan to make changes so that we will achieve the results we want in 2008.

But how do we look at ourselves and our business critically? My wife and I were talking about this during the holidays and realized that 2008 WILL be different than 2007. It can't be the same since we are different people than we were one year ago; we've grown, changed, learned and adjusted based on events of the year. So by design we will be different this year - but how? How will I look at my skills, talents and results and make the right changes at the right time?

I must change my perspective and look at where I am right now from a different point of view. In other words, if I keep looking at my business and my life from the same perspective I am going to get the same view. However, if I look at the current situation from a different perspective (or point of view) then I am going to see different areas to change and improve and therefore get different results.

From what perspective will you view your business today? What might others see that you don't; how is their perspective different than yours? Take a different view and let us know what you see...

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