Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Time - the Great Equalizer

It seems that every day I keep getting reminded that time is our most valuable commodity. It is imperative to our success that we use the time we are given wisely. All of us have an equal amount of time to achieve success and that becomes the great equalizer in life. The simple rules of health demand that we spend 7 - 8 hours a day in sleep. Many of us spend another 8 - 12 hours a day in the pursuit of earning at least enough to live on. That doesn't leave a lot of time for all the other things that are important to us and that we desire to achieve.

This "free" time is probably the most significant to us as it will determine whether we achieve our life's goal or not. How much time do you spend investing in yourself? When was the last time you set aside enough time to learn something new or to evaluate where you are in life and develop a plan for success? Most of us don't take the time to do this because we are so consumed with everything else going on in our life.

What are you turning a deaf ear to in your life right now? When you look at your business or your career do you see the success you expected and are you content with the results you are getting? How about when you look at your personal life? Are your relationships as strong as you want and are you spending enough time with the people you love? Are you able to pursue the leisure activities you enjoy? Take some time today to self-reflect and examine how you are using your time and are you "spending" your time or "investing" your time? Make a commitment to yourself to change those things you are not getting a positive return on. Set a goal to invest in yourself. Decide what you want from life and what you need to do in order to attain it, then go do it. Attend a workshop, take a course, find a book on the subject and read it, or find a mentor to help you. Determine what you need to do and make a commitment to yourself not to quit until you have achieved success.

If you are a business owner or executive looking for ways to improve the quality of your life send me an email at denniskelley@actioncoach.com and let me know what you are struggling with and what you need to improve. Our mission at ActionCOACH is to help others achieve success in life and we offer many programs to help. If we can't help then I'll point you in the right direction. Have a wonderful day and make sure to invest some time in YOU today!

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