In the 1930's research was conducted which determined that what is measured will improve. This became known as the Hawthorne Effect and it found that when something is measured it improves, but when it is measured and reported, it improves exponentially. By reporting the information, accountability is instantly incorporated into the measurement.
At first, it can be somewhat uncomfortable or cumbersome to start tracking results. Many times the accuracy of the information is not completely accurate. It takes some time to get it right and make the tracking process efficient. But, over time it becomes easier and the information more reliable. The important thing is to stay with it and don't stop.
What should you track? The answer is simple -- anything that you want to improve! Track anything that has an impact on the efficiency, profitability, service quality or systematization of your business. Determine what is important for you to understand in order to make your business a better business and put the tracking systems in place.
Be sure to use the information though. Tracking the information and then keeping it secret or just putting it in a file somewhere won't maximize your efforts. Report it to anyone and everyone that will benefit from knowing it and can help you improve the area being tracked. By measuring how well you do things in your business you will be able to build a stronger, more efficient and healthier business. Many of the items you track may not directly show up on the bottom line of your financial statements, but the impact will ultimately make the business better and a healthily, efficient and growing business is essential to improving profits and happiness in your business.
Don't hesitate to get an outside perspective on what and how to track all the important things in your business. An outsider perspective can be priceless when it comes to working on the health of your business. As business coaches, my partner Ralph Berge and I have the experience to help you with this. Give us a call and we will be happy to help.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
When Something is Measured -- it Improves
Posted by
Coach Dennis Kelley
2:22 PM
Labels: Systems
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Seize the Moment!
During our business building workshops Business Coach, Dennis Kelley and I ask participants what they consider to be their most valuable asset. We always receive a wide range of responses including: equipment, money, real estate, employees (team) and family….all good answers.
The answer, however, is TIME. It is without doubt our most valuable asset.
Time is the ultimate finite asset…when it’s gone, it’s gone. We are here on this earth for a certain amount of time and it is important that we use our allotment of time wisely.
So how do we best invest our time to get the best return on our investment? First, don’t waste time; and second always be present.
Being present is not as easy. In this age of chronic multi-tasking it is often difficult to keep your mind on the task at hand. Consider the SUV careening down the road with a driver on the cell phone, adjusting the radio and managing the kids in the back seat! Or the business meeting to consider a company’s future direction where Blackberrys are sending and receiving texts. In both cases being present is only an after thought.
Living in the past also leads to short changing the present and the future.
Recognizing that the past cannot be changed is a start, but what can you learn from the days that are gone?
Reliving the past is an all too common habit of trying to change things that have happened in our past. “If I had only stayed with the company”, “what if I did it differently?”, “I wish I had that to do again”, or “If I had only known then what I know now”…are all examples of thoughts relating back to the decisions and actions of the past. But the past is just that, the past. There is not one thing we can do to change history.
Successful people have determined what the value of the past means for today and tomorrow. Being present means taking the action that leads us toward our goals.
Don’t waste your most valuable asset by not paying attention or living in the past or the future. The only place we can be to successfully influence change in our lives and our businesses is NOW. Keep yourself “Above the Line” always work at being present in your thoughts, words and actions.
Seize the Moment!
Posted by
Ralph Berge, Business Coach
12:18 PM
Monday, May 19, 2008
A Powerful Success Secret
Recently this story came across my desk. I'm not sure where it originated but it tells a great story so it seemed appropriate to share it with you. Take some time to reflect on it's message as it can have a powerful impact on what is so often overlooked ...
During a meeting of top salespeople from around the country, "the grand old man" himself, a man who consistently had the highest sales figures for the last 20 years, and who earned more money than even the owner of his company, got up to speak.
“I'm now going to reveal the secret of my success,” he said. “I wrote it on a piece of paper and put it in this envelope. But success must be earned. So I’m going to sell the envelope to the highest bidder. You have my word that it contains what I said -- the true secret of my success, not only as a salesman, but in life, as well.”
The bidding started slowly ... $5, then $10, then $50, $100, $130, $150, $200, and on it went. Finally, one of his colleagues bought the envelope for $1000. The happy buyer took the envelope, keeping it to himself until he got home that night. Only then did he open it to learn the prized secret of success.
And what do you think was written on that piece of paper?
Think about it. Make a mental note of whatever comes to mind before reading the answer. In fact, what was written on that piece of paper was worth much, much more than $1000.
The winner of the auction tore open the envelope, unfolded the piece of paper and read the following hand-written words:
The secret to success ask.
So many times we look for the complicated answer to our success. Our ActionCOACH coaching programs help business owners look at things from a practical straight-forward viewpoint. Achieving success doesn't have to require complicated formulas and super human effort. Most of the time it is the simple steps that lead to the best results.
And that's worth thinking about ...
Posted by
Coach Dennis Kelley
5:10 PM
Labels: Success
Thursday, May 1, 2008
People Plus Systems Equal Great Sales …
When you ask the greatest salespeople what their secret is many would answer – personality. But when asked how to quantify and teach personality to others, these super salespeople are often stumped. Teaching great sales involves a major re-education and a focus on systems that make sales simple.
Sales scripts not only increase the sales of top performers but also produce amazing results for the entire team. One rule of thumb, which can be used in selling and in life, is that what you can measure you can manage and grow! The ultimate test of a superior salesperson is how consistent their results are and how consistent the results are for the entire team. Using a sales script achieves this consistency and makes the training of new team members simple and effective.
By introducing a sales system like a script, you can measure conversion on a daily basis and your sales will automatically increase – guaranteed. So, exactly what does a sales script look like, how do you write one and how is it used?
Let’s look at this now.
A sales script is a documented, methodical, learnable, effective system of selling your goods and services. It is a written process on paper designed to give the salesperson control of the call (while the customer ‘feels’ in control) and create a desired result – the sale. It is written by your number one salesperson, in answer to the question – “Exactly what do you say to a prospect to get them to buy your product?” You may even choose to reward your top salesperson for doing this by offering them an incentive such as a percentage of extra sales.
Let us briefly outline key parts of a sales script. Obviously, there are differences between sales scripts used on incoming and outgoing calls; however, I will just explain some of the universally used key Action selling lines taken directly from our sales scripts.
The opening: “Could I just outline the reason for my call?”
Permission: “Would if be okay if we go through the call that way?”
Rapport Building: “What’s your biggest challenge right now in that area?”
Below Waterline: “What's most important to you in…?”
Paraphrase: “Based on what you just told me, it sounds like…”
Temperature Check: “How does that fit with what you had in mind?”
Secure the Sale: “Would it be okay if I give you the steps in getting that process under way?”
Conclude the Encounter: “Thank you and bye for now.”
A script can be read, learned and must be practiced, used, measured and improved (if needed) to increase conversion rate of prospects to customers of all the team. Imagine taking the guess-work out of selling once and for all by using a system which makes your sales results less people dependant and more system dependant.
Posted by
Ralph Berge, Business Coach
11:00 AM